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Is There Really Magic in a Kiss?

  It is hard to believe that I am here — at this stage in my life where I have a child looking at colleges and another child who is about to go to high school. I go to bed at night, with my mind swirling about life — where I've been, where I am, and where my life is going — and I think, "How did I get here?" "How did it all go so quickly?" I am so blessed. I know that I am, and I thank God every day for the life he has given me.  But I am in one of those places at the moment where the windy road of life has left my heart heavy at times.  And so last night, on a night when I really needed some time to reflect on life, I glanced at some of my first pieces of writing, and I stumbled upon this post from ten years ago. It made me teary eyed to think of a story about my sweet boys being two, four and six-years-old, but it took me back. I remember this sweet moment in time and all of the sweet moments of kisses and embraces, and I thought about how much— no matter our ...

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