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A Toast to Teachers

By Chrissie Ferguson To my fellow teachers— Whether your final day of the school year was today or last Friday, or maybe it is quickly approaching in the upcoming weeks—I raise a glass to each of you. Cheers to another amazing year! You did it. We did it! And while not everyone knows exactly what we do as teachers each school year, I certainly know what you do. I see you all.  And I feel you, too. Because in the course of a school year, we all seem to morph into something more than human—we become something superhuman. We are the roosters that  wake up  the roosters when the world seems completely still. And dark. Yet promising. We pour our first of many daily cups of coffee and wipe the dream crumbs from our eyes. Exhausted, but ready, we proudly and loudly share our vocal alarm clock with the world around us—our family, our neighbors, our colleagues, our students. It’s time to start the day! We are the octopus with fumbling arms as we run out the door. Graded papers in one arm. A lun

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