There's Always Time for a Fresh Start

I haven't been much of a New Year's Eve girl since about six years ago, before our children were born. Just give me a few good friends, my husband, my little guys and some good food and of course, a little red wine, and I'm a happy girl. It's been a while since I've actually made it to midnight, but surprisingly, I was able to stay awake this year. Maybe I'm not as old as I think.

And while I'm not much into New Year's Eve, at least at this point in my life, I am a big New Year's Day gal.

There's just something about New Year's Day and the hope and excitement that the new year will bring that puts a smile on my face.

I don't like to make resolutions because the chances are pretty great that I'm going to break them.

But what I do love about the new year is that it's a great time to reflect, a time to reflect on the good and the bad from the past year.

It's a time to remember those we loved and lost and all the good memories we had with them.

It's a time to laugh and smile at everything good that happened and to learn from the bad and to move forward.  

It's a time to eliminate the negative - the things, the people, the comments, the clutter, whatever it is that weighs you down - and to focus on the positive.

It's a time and a chance to start becoming the person you always hoped to be for yourself and for those you love.

Believe me, I know how blessed we are that God gives us this new start any time we ask for it. We can have it in a second, in a minute, in an hour, in a day. Whenever we hope and ask for a new start, by his grace and his mercy, we can have it. And I am thankful to God, every day, for this.

But I am also very thankful for that calendar day, January 1st - that day that reminds us that the new year can be better than the last.

So here's to a year of happiness and health, surrounded by positivity and friends and family who love you for who you are and who you hope to be.

God's greatest blessings to all of you this year - my readers, friends and family!


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