Airing Your Dirty Laundry

Didn't all of our mothers teach us never to air our dirty laundry?

It's something that writers deal with on a daily basis...Do we spill the beans or not? We want to reach our readers by writing something relatable.

But does anyone really want to know what happens in our own home or in the lives of our family members?

We all have skeletons in the closet. Some may be revealed one day and others may remain secrets forever.

But some of us may just feel better when we share our secrets with others.

And tonight, I'm feeling that it's time to air my dirty laundry...

So what's my dirty laundry, you ask?

It's my dirty laundry!

I cannot keep up with it. We have five hampers in the house, and I can count on one hand the number of times I have seen the bottom of it.

At least twice a week, I am lugging a hamper full of dirty clothes down the stairs. I go through about one bottle of Oxiclean spray when throwing my three boys' clothes in the wash.

Then, everything goes in the dryer...Well, if I get distracted, a wet load may remain in the washer for about a day. And then that load has to be rewashed because it has become sour smelling.

Now, the boys get a treat because when the youngest child's babysitter is here, the boys' clothes actually get folded and put away.

But for my clothes and Matt's, they get washed and dried. And then generally, we are living out of a clean clothes, wrinkled pile for a few days. When I finally get around to it, I actually fold our clothes. Matt puts his clothes away, and mine remain on the floor in nice, neat piles.

I use the clean clothes in my piles weekly and add a few new items to my wardrobe from my closet...And then the process starts all over again...The dirty clothes in the hamper need to be washed.

Now, the worst part is on those weeks when I can't even get to washing my laundry, and I have to pull something I have previously worn and not washed yet out of the laundry.

Yep, those are award-winning days! On those days, I try to tell myself that it's o.k. to wear a pair of jeans four times without washing them. And I pray that I don't look quite as dirty as I feel.

Will the dirty laundry ever stop?

I don't know about you, but I don't see an end in sight anywhere in the near future!


  1. The never ending loads of dirty laundry match the number of "little feet" (and big ones too) that live in your house! While it is a chore that can wear out any Mama, it is also a sign of how many blessings you have in your life. Even as I sigh when I look at the over flowing hampers in my house, I remind myself that someday my girls will be all grown up and I will miss even this mundane chore...The good news is that as your boys get older, they can help you sort / fold / and put away their clothes :)

    If I ran into your family around town -- I would look to see the bright smiles and love on your faces, not whether your clothes are wrinkled. Enjoy the crazy moments of joy that family brings. That is truly what matters!

    Best to you and your entire family,

  2. You know what's hilarious to me? The recommendation to wash new clothes before you wear them. Why would I take stain-free clothes that have been pressed by the manufacturer, send them through the washing machine and dryer, and re-press them, just to go get chocolate ice-cream all over these clothes? This also reminds me of a fun book I have on my shelf, picturing on the cover clean clothes hanging from the line. It's titled Out of the Spin Cycle: Devotions to Lighten your Mother Load, by Jen Hatmaker


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