Is There Really Magic in a Kiss?

First kisses -- heart-pounding.

Hello kisses -- heart-warming.

Hershey kisses -- delicious.

Angel kisses -- adorable. 

Eskimo kisses -- comforting.

Butterfly kisses -- silly.

Goodbye kisses -- heart-wrenching.

Boo boo kisses -- MAGICAL!

There is a certain amount of power and emotion behind every type of kiss. But when you really start to think about it - no other kiss contains quite as much magic as the "boo boo kiss."

And what is really magical about it is the fact that it's not just a mom who has the power to heal.

Any person who is willing to give that special kiss to a child has the power to heal the pain.

The other morning, as with any other morning, I was driving my children to school.

My two-year-old started to cry, "I have boo boo. Mommy, I have boo boo."

"I'm sorry, buddy," I said. "I wish I could do something, but I'm driving right now."

The crying continued. 

Suddenly, the crying changed to a soft whimper.

I looked in my rear view mirror, and my four-year-old was leaning over and kissing my youngest son's knee. 

The crying had completely stopped.

"Does that feel better?" JW asked his little brother.

"Jes," said the two-year-old as he wiped his tears away.

And just like that the pain was gone.

I thought to myself how funny this is. As long as I can remember, mothers (and brothers, I guess) have always had the power to heal a child's pain through a kiss. But how can a child really think this is true? I mean - one kiss, and all the pain instantly vanishes?

But then I thought again about all the times I have come home after a long day, and my husband has given me a hug. Instantly, I have felt better, like a ton of weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

And then I hug my two-year-old before bedtime, and another ten pounds floats away.

I get ready to tuck my four-year-old in bed, and he wraps his arms around me as tight as he can, never wanting to let go, and ANOTHER ten pounds disappears.

Finally, my six-year-old wraps his entire body around me (legs and all), like a koala bear, holding on as tight as he possibly can before he jumps in his bed, and now I'm light as a feather.

After four of the most amazing hugs, my stress is gone.

So is there magic in a boo boo kiss?

Yes, I believe there is.

And whether it's hugs or kisses, it really doesn't matter.

What it boils down to is the fact that there is no better feeling than the feeling of being loved. Love can heal all things.

So hug like you mean it. And kiss away the pain.

You never know whose boo boos you might be healing with a single gesture.


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