An Easy Way to Teach Gratitude

"Take a moment and acknowledge something you are grateful for."

Our very observant 8-year-old can spot a stray penny on the street like no one I've ever seen before. Each discovery provides a 30 second moment of excitement. 

"It's another penny for your piggy bank!" I always say. And a smile comes over L.'s face.

But our hearts and minds began to change with the picking up of each newly-found penny when I discovered this "gratitude jar" in one of my favorite little stores in Islamorada. This jar, created by Studio Penny Lane, has changed our entire mindset when we find a penny.

Step #3 in the "seven simple steps to an abundant life" included with the jar says, "Every time you see a penny throughout the day, take a moment and acknowledge someone or something you are Grateful for."

So, even though the pennies that the boys find may still go in their piggy banks and not in my new jar (Hey, one step at a time), everyone in our family now thinks of one thing we are each grateful for when someone finds a penny.

We live in a world full of negativity - a world that can knock people down, causing them to forget about their true blessings. This jar is something our world needs!

What a great way to start teaching our children about gratitude. And what a great reminder for adults too!

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